1993-1995 Chevrolet Camaro, Pontiac Firebird

How to reach the TDM and install the PRO Full Bypass

The TDM is on the right side of the dash attached to the inside of the bracket for the air bag assembly.





1. remove lower passenger interior panel,

2. remove glove-box

3. remove lower driver side interior panel,

4. remove driver lower dash

5.remove 4 screws for stereo cover, remove cover

6. disconnect all wires, and remove stereo

7. look through stereo hole towards passenger side, and you will see the plug you need, plugged upwards into bottom of Theft Module.

8. unplug, and pull harness out through stereo hole. (Its pretty long and will be sufficient to make the necessary connections)




If the enclosure of your NEWROCKIES PRO Module is green and blue, please setup the switches as following (if enclosure is black, please submit a request to our support team for correct switch configurations): 


Open the NEWROCKIES PRO Module's cover (this will NOT void the warranty) by removing the 2 screws on the bottom. Inside there are 2 sets of switches.


Set SW1 (8 switches) as following:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
off off on off on off on off


Leave SW2 (10 switches) the way it is. Close the PRO Module's cover.


To install the NEWROCKIES PRO Module, connect it as following (the TDM should be left unplugged as it is not needed anymore):


Pro Bypass         

Car Wires


Attach to the Pink in pin A2


Attach to the Black with a White stripe in pin B5


Attach to the Yellow with a black stripe in pin A4


Attach to the Blue wire in A3









IMPORTANT: If your car still does not start, please follow the troubleshooting directions for PASSKEY 1/2/3 Systems before contacting our support team. This will make it easier and faster for us to handle your support questions and will enable us to serve you better.


The installation is completed.



Option 2: Installation at PCM

If the enclosure of your NEWROCKIES PRO Module is green and blue, please setup the switches as following (if enclosure is black, please submit a request to our support team for correct switch configurations): 


Open the NEWROCKIES PRO Module's cover (this will NOT void the warranty) by removing the 2 screws on the bottom. Inside there are 2 sets of switches.


Set SW1 (8 switches) as following:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
off off on off on off on off


Leave SW2 (10 switches) the way it is. Close the PRO Module's cover.


You can install the PRO bypass at the PCM. Locate the Engine Control Module (PCM) as in the diagrams below It is located in the engine area on the right side inner fender near the firewall.





There are 3 plugs on the PCM Connections of the PRO VATS Full Bypass module are made at the PCM 32 pin Black connector and 32 pin Blue Connector The colors are on the end that plugs in you can not see the colors until unplugged and then at the theft deterrent relay.






To install the NEWROCKIES PRO Module, connect it as following:


  1. Cut the DK-Blue wire on PCM Red connector, Pin #25 a couple of inches before the connector and connect the GRN wire of the PRO-Full Bypass to it toward the ECM
  2. Make a 3 wire splice between the RED wire of the PRO Bypass and the PNK wire on PCM Blue connector, Pin #3.
  3. Make a 3 wire splice between the BLK wire of the PRO Bypass and the BLK/WHT wire on PCM Red connector, Pin #2


We then need to access the theft deterrent relay with the glove box out the relay is secured to the bracket on the passengers side with plastic push pins if you reach around the bracket you will be able to get it.



You will need to Cut the BLK/YEL wire and ground this wire to the metal of the car body in the picture you can see 2 wires that are near with ring terminals these are grounds you can bolt down with them or do a 3 wire splice on one of them.


IMPORTANT: If your car still does not start, please follow the troubleshooting directions for PASSKEY 1/2/3 Systems before contacting our support team. This will make it easier and faster for us to handle your support questions and will enable us to serve you better.


The installation is completed.

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