In case your car is still not starting after installation of the PRO Full Bypass module, please check the following and perform the recommended actions before contacting our support team:
- Make sure connector’s pinout and wiring colors of your car are both matching exactly those of our instructions. If not, please Submit a Request to our support team with details of the pinout and wiring colors in your car.
- Is the light on the side of the PRO module turning on? If not check power between RED and BLK wires of the PRO module installed and with the key in the ON position (you can use a power-meter or a light) and Submit a Request to our support team with results of the measurement.
- If your instructions do NOT make use of the PPL wire of the PRO Module then skip this step, otherwise, if you use the PPL wire and points (1) and (2) above are correct and your car is not even cranking then make sure the PPL wire of the PRO bypass is connected correctly and the connection is tight. Also try shorting with a loose piece of wire the PPL and BLK of the PRO module.
- If car is still not cranking then Submit a Request to our technical support team detailing the tests you have done and the results.
- If the car is cranking, but engine doesn’t start or sometimes starts but immediately dies then do the following:
- If your instructions make use of the GRN wire of the PRO Module, then make sure the GRN wire of the PRO bypass is correctly connected and the connection is tight.
- Open the PRO module's cover by removing the 2 screws on the bottom and change switches 7 and 8 of SW1 to [7:ON, 8:OFF] or to [7:OFF, 8:ON]. Make sure the switches 1-6 of SW1 are exactly as indicated in the instructions for your car model/year and if not, then change them accordingly. Try starting the car.
If car is still not starting or if you have any questions or concerns please Submit a Request to our technical support team detailing the tests you have done and the results.
NOTE: when contacting our support team, please always indicate your car’s make, model and year.